Tuesday, November 9, 2010

bicentennial year: we all fit in this party?

This year in Chile, it supposed that we celebrate 200 years since the independence of our country in 1810, but the true is that in 2010 we should celebrate 200 years since the first governing board and not all people know that. Despite of this, the bicentennial are celebrate in all the regions of Chile, with shows, a lot of contest about this topic, and with a lot of activities with “bicentennial” last name organized by the government and other institutions.
In this 2010 have happened many events that have marked the history of the country, as we know the theme of the earthquake, or the miners in the third region, but not only that, throughout this year have happened things that have convulsed the country in one or other way, as a many protest or manifestations, as the students for the public education, the hunger strike of mapuches, the manifestations to save Punta de Choros, and changes for better or worse, as the election of a new president, the restyling of the national stadium, and some museums in all the country, so this year has been very active for everyone.
All this changes and events that have happened this years to caught my attention, because I think this year has come to light a lot of topics that care to the people of this country, like the violation of rights of the minority groups, as indigenous people, as the workers that work in bad conditions, as the students and the people who feel that is not taken in to account by the authorities, but at the same time I think that the environment is a topic that we take care now, and the care of the animals to, because they don’t have voice to express themselves.
Finally, I think that this activities of was realized in honour to the bicentennial year although have approached Chilean people, but at the same time have left other groups of people that don’t feel part of all this party, whether for politics, economics or social reasons. So I hope that over time, the things will be better to Chile and everyone can feel part of this country, feel proud of the Chilean people, and the next time nobody is left out of the celebrations and everyone can be heard, because there’s a lot to say.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Home sweet home

I’ve lived in three different places in my life, in different parts of my life, and all are so different from each, taking into account the house that I live now. In my actual house I have lived for eleven years approximately, since I have nine years and despite it have some defects, I like my house a lot!, because it’s very convenient live there, because it’s near the centre of Santiago and near the subway and at the same time it’s a quiet neighborhood, so I live in a relax place and it’s easy when I want to go out come to the place that I want.
I live only with my parents because I don’t have any brothers or sisters, and we have two dogs that is as if they are a part of the family and an very important part because we love them . My neighbors are four womans that are so nice persons but a little noisy and for the other side, I have a family with so many childrens but with they we don’t have relation at all and it should be because we don`t spend much time at home, because I stay most of the day in the university and my parents in their jobs.
One of my favorite part of the house is my bedroom, of course, and don’t have many things, in my bedroom I have my bed, my TV, furniture to put my clothes and other to put my books, movies and notebooks, but despite that is simple and small I love it because it have so many colors and fun things, like toys, photos, posters, and a big collection of nail polish in all colors, despite that my bedroom it’s my favorite place of my house, I love my house because it’s like a hippie house , but if I can change something of my house would be the small that it is and I put new furniture, because it’s a little old.
In the future I would love to live in a apartment, but only if I live alone, but if a have my family a would like to live in a big house with a big garden, I don’t have a prefer location but all I know is that I would like to my house will be a simple house, very minimalist but with beautiful colors and when the people feel welcome, above all.
I really don’t know how houses will be in the future maybe smaller than the actual house or maybe with other architectural style or maybe the people want to return to the past, but I think that increasingly cost have a home, not just a house.