Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I ♥ cinema!

When I was a child I just saw movie about cartoons, like Disney’s movies. Just lately the cinema was transform in an important part of my life, because now I LOVE the cinema and the films, I usually go to the cinema, but when I can’t go I watch movies in my house. I don’t remember the exact date of the last time that I go to the cinema, but I remember that I went with my boyfriend to watch “Despicable me” or “Mi villano favorito” (in Spanish), therefore that was around three weeks ago.
I don’t rent or buy films, if I don’t go to the cinema I just downloads movies of internet, but sometimes it’s difficult find movies with goods subtitles, but if a interesting movie is released I should go to the cinema, of couse.
I have many favorites films of many different genders, like “Amelie”, “The Clockwork orange”, “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind”, “Trainspotting”, “The big fish”, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” but my favorite one is “The Notebook”, I see this movie countless times. It’s about the most beautiful love story that I ever seen, because Allie and Noah, despite they are separated and despite the time, they still love each other, and when she was going to marry with other man, they see them again, she discovered that she really loves Noah. And he is the most beautiful and romantic man, because they always love her, I think that he’s the man that all the women dream of having as a boyfriend. And I don’t tell you the end of the history because you have to watch this movie.
This film is one of my favorite despite that I don’t like the romantic movies, but if you’re a sensible person I assure you’re going to cry with this history, but I totally recommend it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I was born (20 years ago) and bred in Santiago, so I know very well the city. I like it so much, because have a different places to visit and know that are very interesting and nice.
If someone comes to Santiago, he or she should be visit and know the different museums that the city has, like the Natural history museum, or the Belllas Artes museum, or the MIM, the Pablo Neruda’s house named “La Chascona”, etc. Also, the tourist should visit the parks of Santiago, as the Forestal park, the park of the sculptures and the Metropolitan Park in the San Cristóbal hill. If a foreigner tourist visit Santiago I would recommend him, that he should be go to the bar called “La Piojera”, also go the central market, go to sky to the snokparks as “El Colorado” or “Valle Nevado”, I recommend him that he or she eat a typical Chilean food as empanadas, or “pastel de choclo”, or drink “terremoto”.
About the things that I prefer to do in Santiago, the number one is climb the San Cristóbal hill and take photos of Santiago, in the second place it’s go to the zoo, because I love the animals (but I don’t like that they are locked in jails). Third, I love go to the National Historical museum because there are so many interesting things about our country history. Next, I would choose go to the MIM, because are very funny and you can learn so much about the science, and finally, go to shopping to Patronato, because the clothes are so cheap!
Despite of the defects and disadvantages of live in Santiago, as the pollution, that we don’t have beaches, the noise of the cars and the buses, the many buildings there are, etc ... I love Santiago, especially in winter!