Sunday, April 25, 2010

Like a movie

The night of February 27 I was in the wedding of my boyfriend's cousin, with him and his family.
When it was 3:30 approximately we were preparing our things to go. When suddenly my boyfriend Javier says to me: "Coni, is trembling", but I was't feeling anything.
But the quake became stronger and we decide to go out of the place. The lights went outand I embraced my boyfriend because I was scared.
The people who were near me were screaming and searching to their families in the middle of the darkness.I was looked back and saw the sister of my boyfriend
who was crying and was very scared, at the time embraced her and said to her that everything was OK.
Then, I decided to look at the swimming pool and the water began to go out and people wet their clothes, but we just wet our feet.
When the earthquake finished the parents of my boyfriend went to leave me in my house and in the car we were listening to the information that were giving in the radio.
To the end I came to my house and all my family was good, but almost all the things were on the floor. We didn't have light about one week, but always we
had water. I believe that I was quieter than I expected, but of all forms I was striking to live and to see how the people of the south suffer yet. But I think that we must get used and be prepared because Chile is a country of earthquakes.

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