Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the environment

The topic about the protecting the environment is much discussed today. Now, no one can complain of not having information about this.
Personally, I consider myself as a Green-in-Between, because I try to help to the environment from what is within my reach, but sometimes in this world is difficult because the most things around us can be pollutants in some way. I always try to do little things to help, like turn off the lights when I don’t need it, or don’t flushing the water, or simply don’t throw trash on the ground. Also, I usually recycling bottles, because me and my mom recollect them and later we carry the bottles to the recycling point of the supermarket. About the transportation, my bike isn’t in good conditions so I can’t use it, and but if I could use it anyway I could not transport me to the university because I would take a long time to coming there.
Actually, I don´t join any eco-organizations, because I don’t have a lot of time or money, but I sometimes I’ve thinking in join a organization that it care about the environment, or maybe about animals, because this problems really concern me.
I think that we must take care about our planet, because it’s the place where we live in and first, we should worry about the education about care the environment, because the new generations are a important part in the future of the world, anyway, the kids are more concerned, so I think the companies are the ones who have more power to do something about. Also, we should try to keep our nonrenewable resources, don’t use polluting products, use a paper bags, promote the use of non-polluting means of transport, and especially, recycling.
I think, now we have the future in the world in our hands, so we try to make something to help, because if all the people do something, we could build a better world for future generations, because this it’s not the world that we received.

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