Friday, June 25, 2010

See you soon!

Wow! This is the last entrance. What fast goes the semester!
I never had a blog before, really, because I've never been a great writer and less in English, I prefer more pictures than words. But I enjoyed blogging, above all because before, it was difficult for me to write in English, but now I learn many new words that I did not know and at the same time, I could correct my grammatical errors, but anyway I think that much to learn yet (maybe even in the post I have many errors, is most probable).
Moreover, I sometimes did not have much time to write because , and as I am in first year of my career I have been a little busy and very stressful few weeks, so we have an obligation to write this blog has helped me to organize better with my homeworks.
then, it was difficult to develop my ideas widely and sometimes I was too tired to get to blogging to my house and those times was not so funny, but I must admit that the entries that we must write were very interesting, so this made things easier as the blog post about our favorite photo, or blog post about our favorite band or our favorite piece of technology, etc. and I can learn more about what my classmates think and they like it or not and some post of my classmates were very funny.
Finally, I must say that I learned a lot, especially because we speaking in English all the lessons, was a great practice for me because before it was a bit difficult speak for me (in English). So I hope to pass the course and next semester to continue to learn more English because I like it so much, and I hope that my classmates pass the course too, because they’re very funny and nice persons :)
And this is the end :O

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I ♥ Photography

If I didn’t study sociology, I would be a photographer but in this country that work is not moneymaking. I like a lot some artistic careers like arts, cine, fashion design or interior design, but some time ago, I discovered that my favorite is the photography, because sometimes you can see beautiful thing or place and I think that one of the way most great to keep that moment it’s a picture, so you can see it when you want and remember all the senses that you feel when you take it, because an image says more than thousand words. Maybe if the photography would make people earn money to support them I would study that, but for now it’s just a hobby for me.
In the summer of this year I worked and I raised some money and I bought a new camera although it isn’t a professional camera from that day I always look for the opportunity to go somewhere to take pictures and I do 2 things that I love: Know new places and take a lot of pictures, for that I always try to bring my camera with me
That artistic or some humanists careers are not appreciated in Chile and people who want to study them must aspire to study in another country makes me very sad, because country does not provide opportunities for artists to showcase their works and life of that, and there are many talents that get lost for this reasons and I think the people who do not have money to travel to study in other country can’t do what they want in their life and what makes them happy so whatever I do I love the photography and in the future I pretend study that anyway.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Valparaíso :)

This topic it's so difficult for me because I love to take photographies and I have many favourites pictures that I think that I can't choose only one.
I took this photo in "Cerro Alegre", Valparaíso. I went there two weeks ago with my boyfriend, just to take pictures because is one of our hobbies. I didn’t know Valparaíso, and I wanted to go so much , so one day we took our cameras, we bought tickets and without planning we traveled for distract us for as while.
Scarcely we arrived we started to tour the city, rise in elevator to the hills, traveled in trolley and we knew the typical places of the city, and above all we took a lots of pictures.
When we were touring the hills, we went to Cerro Alegre, and we like so much all the colors, the painted walls and stairs, the beautiful houses and the decoration of the streets and then I found this old and beautiful car and I decided take a photo immediately and I loved it, because I think that the photo captured the essence of Valparaíso, that atmosphere that only can be seen there, but the true is I don’t have words to describe it, you just have to see it.
I really loved to going to Valparaíso and I would return soon. It was a beautiful experience, and especially because I went with my boyfriend. I like going out with him because we had a great time together, because besides him to be my boyfriend, he is my friend. We know five years ago, but since two years he is my boyfriend so we have been so much time together and he know that I love travel and keep a little piece of my memories in my camera.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chile in the Worldcup!

First of all, I don't like the football, but I think it's great the atmosphere that it formed around this sport and the football teams, but now that Chile will be in the world cup, not be as excited about football makes me feel, almost, as if I wasn't chilean. Anyway, I'm happy for the victories of Chile in the equalifying and I think the most important character in this history is, definitely, Marcielo Bielsa and It's incredible like everybody love him!
One reason why I don't like the worldcup is because always it's takes place right on my birthday, and I remember when I was a girl when it was my birthday almost all the guests were watching the football in the tv, and sometimes I was so bored in my own birthday!
But the principal reason is because I don't like footbal, of fact, I prefer other sports like gymnastics or athletics, so I prefer more the Olimpic games.
I obviously love to win Chile because it's my country and I think that Chile have a lot to oportunities to win the cup. Also, I would like that more importance was given to other sports.
With respect to the football players I was finding out about them I think the most attractives in my ranking are: Michael Owen, from England(but he will not participate in the worldcup because he has an injury) ,Kaká from Brasil, Joe Cole from England, and Yoann Gourcuff from France. So I will be prepared for the World Cup then,because is sure that my family, boyfriend and friends,will have the soccer fever in these months.